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Prominently placed next to the popular IGA store in one of Maleny's most iconic buildings right in the heart of Maleny's main street

Our listings receive more online views & buyer enquiry than any other Hinterland agency

Our agency proudly supports over 13 local charitable organisations & charity events

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90% of our listings have sold for full list price or above with fewer days on market than our competitors

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Case Study
80 Appaloosa drive Conondale, Conondale

Character Circa 1938 Queenslander nestled on 7658m2 block overlooking the iconic Mary River. The undercover expansive back deck is a perfect place to relax and enjoy the views of the Mary River and hills beyond while enjoying the sound of the water tumbling over the rocks below. This quaint character Queenslander includes 3 bedrooms plus a sleep out with verandahs on all sides. High ceilings, VJ walls, ornate fretwork, French doors and gorgeous lead light panel are quint essentials features of this home. Recently renovated kitchen and bathroom means you can just move in kick back and enjoy the country life, there is minimal to do here.

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